There is no difference between these two images. Sure the buildings might look a little different, the fireball on ones larger but the act that created them is identical and it has one name: Terrorism. Willfully flying a plane, irrespective of size, into a building can be called nothing else regardless of motivation of ideological backing. It is truly astounding to me that a search of "Joseph Stack - Hero" returns results.
But it shouldn't be surprising. The "Tea Party" movement is a cesspool of religious extremists in the same mold as any Islamic terrorist group. The message is anti-government, pro-religion, pro-extremists. It harbours people like Joseph Stack and like the guy pictured below. It offers support for the homophobic movement, protection for the 'Birthers', and an audience for the degenerates: Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. All done under the guise of both religious guidance and protection. This should start ringing a bell: Crashing planes into buildings, check; persecuting marginalized groups with a zero tolerance policy, check; hatred of an established government (granted less than efficient), check; providing an outlet for the most extreme to gather followers, check. The parallels are truly astounding.
Above all the the most traumatizing aspect of this (hopefully) small group of people is the overwhelming hypocrisy. This is the same group that supports torture, when by their own justifications, their members should be subjected to it: for the safety of everyone. The same group that wants to have Christianity, and some of its more absurd assertions (Read: Intelligent Design) taught in schools while limiting the right of Sikh students to observe their own religion. The same group that supported a war started by Bush, but bitterly opposes it when Obama inherited it. The same group that opposes international weapons sales but will start stockpiling their own guns at the slightest hint that fully automatic weapons or grenade launchers might once again be illegal.
The Tea Party movement might have once had noble intentions like its name sake, but has now become an all inclusive banner for the Christian extreme and is fast degrading into what by their own definitions, is a terrorist organization.
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