Friday, March 5, 2010

Your weekly link spam

I've found myself frequently coming across articles on the internet that I would like to comment on, but that do not deserve a post of their own. As such I'll group these interesting links here for your reading pleasure, if you so choose, and offer a quick thought or two on each.

This article is about a study that comes to the 'revolutionary' conclusion that there is a correlation between intelligence and values. I hope that this does not surprise anyone, but is never the less interesting. I am intrigued by the possibilities of analyzing massive sets of data to look for similar correlations using modern software. Its not particularly unreasonable to map all kinds of trends and relationships with very little effort, and likely much more accurately than isolated studies.

As any reasonably educated person knows, earthquakes are caused by shifts of the earth along fault lines and are relatively common. However, the event in Chile was anything but common, reaching an 8.8 on the Richter scale and ranking as the 5th most powerful earthquake in a century. An event with so much power and energy managed to literally speed up the earth and change its axis of rotation.

The polar bear has been the iconic species of the climate change movement ever since Al Gore showed an adorable animation of one drowning. This article discusses the possibility that the polar bear became a species due to drastic climate change, a fairly poignant irony. It also touches on my long held belief that while CO2 emissions are unequivocally bad, and should be avoid; evolution will go on and life on earth will continue, just perhaps with fewer of its most advanced species...

Is it truly possible for a place in this world to be so poor that people will trample each other to death for food and utensils? To me this is a product of the astronomical wealth disparities in the world today.

One of California's strongest Anti-Gay crusaders was arrested for drunk driving! Clearly his moral fiber should be called into question, but wait theres more! He was leaving a gay bar and had a male companion with him in the car at the time of his arrest. What disgusting hypocrisy.

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